This blog started in November, 2012 as a way to, first, begin a dialogue with other parents about how we teach our kids about social responsibility and social justice in a culture that too often prioritizes individual growth and achievement above community, and, second, to catalyze a bit of collective action, to get myself and others to embrace this parenting challenge, to test and share our strategies, to just get out there and do something.
A disclaimer: I am not an expert in child development, or in volunteering with children, or in education, so this blog, at least at first, is an aggregation tool. It will bring together in one place information about volunteering opportunities, resources for parents, useful websites, and lessons learned. As time goes on, it will take on more of an organizing function.
I am a single parent with a full-time job and simply managing to stick the landing on all of the week's usual tasks without falling flat on my face can feel like victory enough. But this, this is important, certainly as critical to my daughter's development as dance class or swimming. I'm hoping that this blog reaches and engages other parents who feel the same way.
My hope is that this blog will demonstrate that thing we are trying to communicate to our children, that is, that we are stronger as individuals and stronger as a community when we work together towards common purpose. So, I am counting on my community to share their ideas, pass on what they've learned, send me information and resources to post up here.
Love it! Looking forward to reading more of your insights... Cheers, Gregg